
half so [leafy] & imposing [ ] as one would be [led] to expect indeed most of them seem irregular in growth & rather young & uneven. Perhaps 9/10th or more of all the houses are built of bluish gray adobe bricks forming fine cottagey [home] & promising comfort within, few of these are set [forward] [ ] the line of the street but are placed well back leaving room for a good garden in front & behind. There is almost always a good fruitful orchard. The gardens show great simplicity. They are like the gardens of children about us artless & [conform family] to the low cottagey dwellings to wh they belong in almost every one you find daisies & mint & [liliack] bushes & rows of magnificent English tulips. Liliacs & tulips are the most characteristic flrs & nowhere have I seen these in greater perfection. As Oakland is preeminently the city of roses so is this Mormon “Saints Rest” the city of lilacs & tulips. The flrs [are] at least are saintly & they are surely loved. [Scarce] a house in all
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 8.5 x 14 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist