
25 edges & in rich alluvial basins where many grow close & wave altogether as one Squirrel threads slender sprays & cuts off [cone] in one second & eats on comfortable limb seat. If not comfortable [ ] another – eats one cone in 5 minutes, sitting at angle of about 30° [degrees]. This pine yellower & browner than others.
The Ledum now 10th Sep finely colored light yel [yellow] & red that is last yrs [years] lvs [leaves] & 3 yr olds – yel [yellow] in shade red in sun
Huckleberries ripe at 9000 ft Sep 10th
Nature makes beautiful use of smoke. Towards end of Sep & through Oct the Indians fire dead logs in hunting the deer & shepherds do the same in making ways for their sheep. Great smoke springs are thus started (into life) wh [which] oozing & curling forth into the still Ind [Indian] sum [summer] air make whole skies of smoke The sun especially in the morning [fires] this new sky & burns it while producing a truly glorious effect
26 The can [canyon] of MFKR [Middle Fork of Kings River] is this morning full from bank to bank as when ice filled during the gl [glacial] epoch The sun [burning] the fading edges while slightly purple in the deeps. The bold sheer headlands facing the canon on either side stand out with the fairy smoke flood, [like] as into a boundless sea The pines in foreground finely relieved upon it & far beyond on the Southern slope the rich woods some half submerged others standing clear seem enchanted & hushed as if expecting their sunset blessing as if pertaking of the crimson light of sunset
From the mid & North Fork divide glorious [views] are obtained of all the KR [Kings River] Kingdom
The wideness of their valleys grassed with pine the grandeur of their architecture on can [canyon] edges & along their fountains & the sweet gentle beauty of their meads [meadows] & gardens
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 20 x 15 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist