Jeanne [C.] Carr
John Muir

San Mateo, May 24, [1871].Dear John Muir,My botanical class are all sitting around me busy in putting up their plants, but as this is 'silent hour' I can get in a little conversation with you. Your two good letters were mailed at the same time, and I found not one but many crumbs of comfort therein. I have already written you of Mr. Emerson's enthusiasm for the Valley and for yourself.I see among the newspaper arrivals that of the President of the University of Vermont at Burlington, Lewis Francis, who will doubtless appear among the mob of visitors and is better worth than most who go — though not one of the initiated. I pity you in my inmost heart, if you do make guiding a business — for even here I feel as if some one were calling my mother bad names when I meet the returning squadrons and hear their comments upon the trip. If I were forced to hear her insulted to her face I should be pitching people over those cliffs — and giving them the only 'impressions' possible to such.Yes, my friend, I know the long Astronomy will bring the ages of peace and perfectness — and I can wait, am of the waiting kind— but the unnaturalness of my sorrow wears into me deeper and deeper. I hate to be obliged to reason myself into comforting assurances. I feel that the education we are getting is at too awful a price to him through whom it has come, if I were only sure it lay in the line of his promotion I would be joyful. The American Institute, New York City have written Dr. Carr to make arrangements for an extensive exhibition of California products at their annual fair in the fall. We hope to accomplish it. I wish to have sections of woods, cones, etc. and Mr.Hutchings told the writer of the letter that he knew of a tree very near a stream from which a fine Sequoia section could be obtained. I wish you would ascertain where it is and what the cost of obtaining such a section would be.If there was time I would make a collection of California flowers, putting them up in an attractive form. If is dry and flowerless here. My girls made good collections for six weeks, and their volumes were charming. I might have made a fine show of Boraginaceae and Compositae had I known I should need them.Next week I go to Sacramento to attend a school anniversary, taking Benicia on my way. After that a short pause. Dr. Carr's vacation will come July 9th (if it comes at all) so there is no prospect of his getting into the valley earlier. If I can ride up with Allie I shall not wait for him.Meanwhile tell the beloved creatures whose blood I feel in all my veins — creatures of the Rocks, the Waters, the Woods, the Meadows, those short-lived beings of a day, and the Immortals, Mrs. H. and Squirrel (the little 'half and half’) that their true lover burn toward them in longing and desire.As for you, John, the Ages to come have lives on lives for us to enjoy in company, and it will be so easy to be nourished, and transported that of all that we need take no thought. So out of this world of vehicles and victuals, I send you greeting, as in that I shall send you grace.Jeanne Carr471
San Mateo, [Calif.]
Date Original
1871 May 24
Original letter dimensions: 33 x 21.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 02, Image 0445
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Some letters written to John Muir may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.
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University of the Pacific Library Holt-Atherton Special Collections. Please contact this institution directly to obtain copies of the images or permission to publish or use them beyond educational purposes.
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John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle