[John Muir]
Georgie [Galloway]

[Following notes written on margins cut from newspapers--originals in possession of Mrs. Sarah Muir Galloway].East bank of Lily valley, 00467Feb. 27th, '69.Dear Sister S:I thought I was free from all epistolary obligation, but along comes your November dare speaking of long silence, though I lately mailed an office full of letters. But never mind. My sheep are lying down and with my pencil and newspaper scraps I will soon satisfy your letter appetite.This is a bright warm cloudless day. Nature is in deep close green again, and about twenty of her spring flowers are enjoying perfect life in the sweet nursing sunshine. The banks of the valley before me are peopled with countless multitudes of lilies, so it [is] called Lily Valley. I gathered a little coiled boragewort a few minutes ago whose sweet fragrance stirred the long silent memories of summer in our old Dunbar garden. It must have something in common with the pansies and dusty millers of our little plots. Strange, is it not, that so gentle and unmaterial a thing as the fragrance of a flower should live with memory so bright and fresh from youth to age safely anchored in the soul among all the tides and currents of life, and linked for our enjoyment with others so widely separated.But goodbye, I must not bore you with too long a letter. Alas, how little a letter contains. Please write soon,Cordially,J. MuirI forgot to take paper to the field, and did not wish to lose the moment of inspiration.North end of Twenty-Hill-Hollow, 00488Feb. 27, ['69]Dear Sis. S:The time goes swiftly by and I have not heard from you since the last time, nevertheless I write yet again. I was sitting upon one of the dome hills at the south end of this hollow a few hours ago looking at my sheep that were feeding over the creek below me, when I was startled by a sudden swish and the hasty troubled outcry of my dog who was at my side. Our fright was caused by the grey eagle that dwells here. I suppose it mistook Fannie for a long eared hare, as she lay partly concealed by the brow of the hill. The hare is [a] beautiful animal and exceedingly swift. No dog can compel them to enter a hole, but as soon as they hear the beat of the eagle's wing they dash for the nearest burrow for life. I have seen an eagle standing within four feet of a hare watching it at the mouth of its burrow like a cat watching a mouse, the hare looking full in the eagle's face, calm in his safety. The eagle strikes them down with his pinion.This Hollow is one of the most beautiful places of my range, which is about 10 sq. miles. It is surrounded by 20 hills, and "there simmer first unfaulds her robes." But alas, how little a letter contains. Please write soon[John Muir]Cascade Creek, Feb. 27, '69, 00489Dear Sis. Sarah:I'm with you once again near one of the loveliest, leaping, singing streams that ever sparkled on these plains. The slant rays of the sun are purpling the mountains and the banks and cross valleys on Rock river are in deep shadow. This is a land of banks and braes, and oh, how grandly they are lighted. In no one thing does California differ from Wis. in natural beauty [more] than in the color and quality of her light.I must gather and corral my sheep for this glorious day is done.I rec'd a paper from Dave and two from mother. But alas, once more my sheet is full.[John Muir]Bank of Castle Creek near Rock river, 00490Feb. 27, ['69].Old King David called herding "following the sheep," and so it is called here. In good weather they travel a certain round, arriving at night about the same time. I am within sight of my gray box of a shanty, and will reach it in about an hour. I wish you could look on the loveliness
[place unknown]
Date Original
[1869 Feb 27]
Original letter dimensions: 2.5 x 20.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 02, Image 0057
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The unpublished works of John Muir are copyrighted by the Muir-Hanna Trust. To purchase copies of images and/or obtain permission to publish or exhibit them, see
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John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle