John Muir
Osborn [family]

Para, Brazil, Sept. 20, 1911Dear friends Osborns allI fancy you home from the health-giving Rockies full of icy radium and ozone and silver fir balsam, if possible happier and lovelier than everI've had a glorious time up the great river into the heart of its vast forested basin and have gained far more telling views of the trees than I ever hoped for. The river as yon know is immensely wide but for hundreds of miles the steamer ran so close to the densely forested banks that I could almost touch the out-reaching branches, fancy how I stared and sketched. At Manaos I wandered about in the woods guarded and guided and befriended by the best citizens, almost civilized-Mostly due to introductions by Mr. F. H. Sanford a graduate of Yale.I did not go to Iquitos because I couldn't without waiting a month or six weeks for a steamer in the midst of lots of Yellow fever and Malaria, while the whole round trip from Manaos to Iquitos and return would require about three or perhaps four months time that I judged could be more profitably spent elsewhere. I suppose Cook and Sons will return the cost of this unused part of the ticket. I received two lots of letters forwarded from Castle Rock on my return from Manaos a few days ago, and am now waiting for a steamer to Rio. Will probably get away on the 25th of this month. From Rio after a short stay I plan to go [to] Bueno$ Aires, thence up the La Plata and Uruguay rivers, over the Mountains to Valparaiso etc. etc. Then after all this couldn't you join me somewhere in a trip to S. Africa?Anyhow wherever I may wander I shall always be your faithful gratefulaffectionate friend John MuirI think letters sent to Buenos Aires C/o American Consul will reachDont let lovely Osborn Sanger forget me 05109
Para, Brazil
Date Original
1911 Sep 20
Original letter dimensions unknown.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 20, Image 0649
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The unpublished works of John Muir are copyrighted by the Muir-Hanna Trust. To purchase copies of images and/or obtain permission to publish or exhibit them, see
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John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle