Frank P. Flint
John Muir

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORWASHING-TONFebruary 27,1911.Hon. Frank P. Flint,United States Senate.My dear Senator Flint,an to ondorful scenic country in theIn reply to your letter of February 23:The description of the proposed new boundary line forthe sequoia National Park in California, with proposed changesin the present boundary, has been carefully examined by theDepertment and it is believed to be an admirable plan toenlarge this park to include the wonderful scenic country in the high Sierra.It if believed that it is not necessary to withdrawlands outside of the present Sequoia National Park but withinthe boundaries of the proposed extensions, because all these landsnow lie within National Forests and are protected from all forms of entry except Mineral and Agricultural, and discretion restswith the secretary of the Agriculture as to whether agriculturalentries will be permitted.Very respectfully,R.A.Ballinger.Secretary.04969
[Washington, D. C.]
Date Original
1911 Mar 1
Original letter dimensions unknown.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 20, Image 0131
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Copyright status unknown
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Some letters written to John Muir may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.
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University of the Pacific Library Holt-Atherton Special Collections. Please contact this institution directly to obtain copies of the images or permission to publish or use them beyond educational purposes.
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Page 2
John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle