John Muir
Ja[me]s R. Garfield

mistake you have made in allowing the city to destroy any part of the Park of any pretext whatever. Nor can I see justice from any point of view in giving away, as you have done, to less than half a million citizens that which belongs to and is needed by more than eighty millions.You say that Mr. Pinchot has given this matter the most careful consideration, and is in full accord with your action in granting the right to the city. Unfortunately, Mr. Pinchot never saw the Hetch-Hetchy Valley or the great Tuolumne Canon above it, and therefore his opinion should have very little weight against that of hundreds of mountain lovers who have long enjoyed and appreciated its wonders.Anyhow, Mr. Secretary, though devoutly differing with you on this important matter, I am still, with sincere respect,Faithfully yours,John Muir3. The Hetch-Hetchy Valley is a wonderfully exact counterpart of the great Yosemite.4. The Grand Canon of the Tuolumne is one of the finest canons in America with its wonderful cascades and waterfalls and tremendous cliffs and walls.2. "The upper Tuolumne Valley is the widest, smoothest, most serenely spacious, and in every way the most delightful pleasure park in all the High Sierra."—john muir."The scenery is particularly grand. . . . Through this section of the park. wood, water, and grass abound, making it a paradise for campers."—Report of U. S. Engineers.."I know of no place more delightful. . . . The scenery is nowhere more glorious."—Dr. Joseph Le Conte—the late eminent scientist.See diagram on last page.The shaded portion represents substantially the area of the Tuolumne drainage which would be affected by the Hetch-Hetchy grant.On the question of the impossibility of using the park as a collecting ground for a municipal water supply and also allowing the public to travel over and enjoy it, Mr. J. Horace McFarland. President of the American Civic Association, who has given the subject of sanitation in relation to civic water supplies extensive and careful consideration, says:"Moreover, if this valley is given up for this purpose, whether or not it is so stated, inevitably in the future all the tributary watershed supplying the water impounded must be given up to the purpose of the water supply of the City of San Francisco, and therefore must be removed completely from public use."09391DIAGRAMYOSEMITE NATIONAL* 1 «#(SEE PRECEDING PAGE.)
[Martinez, Calif. ?]
Date Original
[ca. 1908 May]
Original letter dimensions: 24 x 31.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 17, Image 0643
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The unpublished works of John Muir are copyrighted by the Muir-Hanna Trust. To purchase copies of images and/or obtain permission to publish or exhibit them, see
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John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle