W[illia]m E. Colby
John Muir

"To explore, enjoy, and render accessible the mountain regions of the Pacific Coast; to publish authentic information concerning them; to enlist the support and co-operation of the people and the Government in preserving the forests and other natural features of the Sierra Nevada Mountains."BOARD OP DIRECTORS-1904-1905Mr. JOHN MUIR, President MartinezProf. A. G. MCADIE, Vice-President Mills Bldg., S. F. Prof. J. N. LE CONTE, Treasurer BerkeleyProf. W. R. DUDLEY, Cor. Sec'y Stanford UniversityMr. WILLIAM E. COLBY, Secretary Mills Bldg., S. F. Prof. GEORGE DAVIDSON BerkeleyMr. J. S. HUTCHINSON, Jr. Claus Spreckels Bldg., S. F. Mr. WARREN OLNEY 101 Sansome St., S. F. Mr. E. T. PARSONS University Club, S. F. (Vice Mr. ELLIOTT MCALLISTER, resigned) COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATIONS: Pres. DAVID STARR JORDAN, Chairman Stanford Univ. Mr. ELLIOTT MCALLISTER, Editor Crocker Bldg., S. F. Prof. WM. F. BADE BerkeleyProf. WM. R. DUDLEY Stanford UniversityMr. ALEX. G. EELLS Crocker Bldg., S. F. Mr. E. B. GOULD Mutual Savings Bank Bldg., S. F. Mr. J. S. HUTCHINSON, Jr. Clans Spreckels Bldg., S. F. Mr. E. T. PARSONS University Club, S. F. Prof. H. W. ROLPE Stanford UniversityMr. WILLOUGHBY RODMAN Bryson Block, Los AngelesSan Francisco, Cal., Jan. 13, 1905Mr. John Muir,President Sierra Club,Martinez, Cal.My Dear Mr. Muir:Yours of the 10th together with Mr. Johnson's letter reached me on my return from Sacramento day before yesterday. I made a second trip in order to see that the bill for the Recession of Yosemite was properly introduced in both houses. You probably saw by the papers that this has been done. The bill was referred to Senate and Assembly committees on forests and public lands. I arranged for a joint meeting of these committees to consider the bill and it will be very important to have every one we can persuade to be in Sacramento and attend that joint meeting for a great deal will depend upon the [illegible] of these committees. As near as I was able to ascertain at that time, the matter will come before the joint committee next Wednesday. My plan in having a joint committee meeting was in order to avoid the necessity of making two trips and our delegation which goes up to Sacramento will only have to make one trip. I will give you a couple of days notice and I sincerely trust that nothing will interfere with your being there with us for you are the most important person to help us in this matter and it is simply03509
San Francisco
Date Original
1905-01-13 00:00
Original letter dimensions: 28 x 21.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 15, Image 0071
Copyright Status
Copyright status unknown
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Some letters written to John Muir may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.
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University of the Pacific Library Holt-Atherton Special Collections. Please contact this institution directly to obtain copies of the images or permission to publish or use them beyond educational purposes.
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John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle