[John Muir]
[Parson Family?]

(Rough draft of letter in envelope marked "My own Round [world] notes and letters on Trees, soil, people, etc.")[Martinez, Cal., June, 1904](No salutation - letter marked "The Parson's family met on way to New Zealand gl[acier]s").1 was glad to get your letter for it is always pleasant to hear from and be remembered by fellow travelers whose company one has enjoyed in the midst of God's beautiful wildness in new strange lands. I spent about a week in the kauri woods and had a glorious time. The "kauri pine", Agathis(?) Australia, formerly called Demmara Australis, is one of the very noblest and most impressive of all the great and beautiful trees whose acquaintance I've made in my long wanderings.I went to Sydney by the steamer, arriving 23rd. Then made an excursion about 2600 m[iles] far along into Queensland by rail, stage, and private carriage - all the way through forests, many of them exceedingly beautiful, with palms, Eugenias, Tristanias, figs, eucalyptus of a hundred species, but the glory of these forests are the2Araucarias,A. Bidwelli and A. Cunninghami(?), especially the Bidwelli - a perfectly glorious tree as seen at home on the Banga(?) Mountains - 150 to nearly 200 feet h[igh] rejoicing in Wildness, soaring with majestic port, round and dark and massy, high above its noble comp[anion]s.But I must stop description or this letter will spread into a book. Returning to Sydney I sailed to Manila by way of Port Darien(?) and Timor. Had good time in the beautiful Philippine woods. Thence went to Hong Kong. Thence home by way of Shanghai, Japan, and Honolulu, reaching home by the end of May.[Rest of letter evidently lost]03367
[Martinez, Calif.]
Date Original
circa [1904 Jun]
Original letter dimensions unknown.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 14, Image 0296
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John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle