[John Muir]
Louie [Strentzel Muir]

Victoria, June 18th, [1890],10 A.M.Dear Louie:We have just cast loose from Victoria and are now fairly away for the North. Met Loomis at Port Townsend. He is calm, cool, and full of wideawake care concerning everything required for the trip. He appeared this morning with a huge cake of tallow and buswok under his arm which he had found somewhere for greasing boots. There will be only Loomis and me in the party, with perhaps an Ind[ian] or two that we may pick up at Wrangel or Sitka. Have met Russell this morning --- seems to be a nice fellow. Also Prof. Niles of Boston Institute of Technology, and many others who seem to know me. Much glacial talk going on. The Queen is a very handsome ship, and Loomis and I have a large room and have every attention required and more. The weather is fair, but cloudy, the outlines of the islands melting gray and soft in the drooping fringes of the clouds. Loomis and I went up to the Driard for breakfast, a piece of extravagance, as the eating is good enough on the ship, but we will make it up when camped on the ice.A report is going the rounds among the passengers that Muir, the discoverer of the M[uir] glacier is on board and is goingup to see that it is not running away or being damaged, etc.[John Muir]
Victoria, [Br. Columbia]
Date Original
[1890] Jun 18
Original letter dimensions: 16.5 x 10 cm.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 06, Image 0525
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The unpublished works of John Muir are copyrighted by the Muir-Hanna Trust. To purchase copies of images and/or obtain permission to publish or exhibit them, see
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John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle