John Muir
[Jeanne C.] Carr

[2]The summit pine of our Sierra is P. Albianlis of Engelmann. & the P. flexilis Torr given in this work as a synonym is a very different tree, growing spa[illegible] on the Eastern flank of the Sierra, from Bloody Canon Southward, but very abundant on all the higher Basin ranges, & on the Wahsatch & Rocky Mountains. The Grange book is it seems another exhaustive [deleted: book] work. There is something admirable in the scientific nerve & aplomb manifested in the titles of these swollen volumes. How a tree book can be exhaustive when every species is ever on the [ living?] from one form to another with infinite variety, it is not easy to see. I haven’t the least idea who [3]Mr Rexford is, but if connected with the Bulletin I can probably get the title of his Citrus book through Mr Williams, will probably see him next Sunday. The Sunday Convention Ma[illegible] offered me a hundred dollars for two lectures on the Yosemite rocks in June, I have not yet agreed to do so, though I probably shall, as I am not going into Colorado this summer. Excepting a day at San Jose with Allen I have hardly been out of my room for weeks. pegging away with my quill & accomplishing little. My last efforts were on the preservation of the Sierra forests, & the wild & trampled conditions of our flora from a bee point of view. I want to spend the greater portion of the season up the coast observing
920 Valencia St.[San Francisco, Calif]
Date Original
1879 Apr 9
Original letter dimensions: 20.5 x 25.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 03, Image 1042
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The unpublished works of John Muir are copyrighted by the Muir-Hanna Trust. To purchase copies of images and/or obtain permission to publish or exhibit them, see
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John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle