John Muir
[Jeanne C.] Carr

July 1869.436 Five miles west of YoSemite July 11 [1869]Dear Mrs Carr I need not try to tell you how sorely I am pained by this letter disappointment Your Mariposa note of June 24 did not reach Blacks untill July 3d & I did not receive it untill the 6th I met a shepherd a few miles from here yesterday who told me that a letter from the YoSem' for me was at Hardings Mill, - I have not yet received it so dependence can be [illegible] upon the motions of letters in the mts & I feared this result on my not receiving anything definite concerning your time of leaving Stockton before I left the plains. I wish now that I had not been entangled with sheep at all but that I had remained among post offices & joined your party at Snellings Thus far all of my deepest purest enjoyments have been taken in solitude & the fate seems hard that has hindered me from sharing YoSemite with you We are camped this evening among a bundle of the Merceds crystal arteries which have just gone far enough away from their silent fountains to be full of lakelets & lims, & the bleating of our flock can neither confuse nor hush the thousand notes of their celestial song The sun has set & these glorious shafts of the spruce & pine shoot higher & higher as the darkness come on I must say Good- night whole bands of Natures sweetest influences are about me in these sacred mountain halls & I know that every chord of your being[in margin: We will perhaps be here about two weeks then we will go the "big meadows" twelve miles towards the [summit?] where we will remain untill we start for the plains some time near the end of Sept The kind of meeting you have had with [Yosemite?] answers well enough for most people but it will not do for you. When will you return to the mountains I had a letter from Prof Butler a short time ago saying that he would probably visit California this month in company with a man of war. Remember me to the [illegible] and [illegible]. Please send me a letter by the middle of Sept to Snelling. I have no hope of hearing from you after we start for Big Meadows.]
Five Miles west of Yosemite
Date Original
[1869] Jul 11
Original letter dimensions: 31.5 x 19.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 02, Image 0105
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The unpublished works of John Muir are copyrighted by the Muir-Hanna Trust. To purchase copies of images and/or obtain permission to publish or exhibit them, see
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John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle