Joanna [Muir]
May [Mary Muir]

few months. I long to pour out my heart to some one, and that I shall do in three weeks I expect, it is so awful not to have any body to [underlined: talk] to I know how you have felt Now sister dear as for the Hamilton abomination its too much for me, and in fact its [illegible] out with me Ive sighed over it till Im sick of it and now I don’t care much about it. I don’t believe it will ever bloom. I think it will be blasted long before it comes to maturity, for I don’t believe ma will ever commit such a foolishness as to leave a place of safty and expose herself to the power of the whirl wind. But how it will terminate as I have said is too much for me. I cant see prob- ably, however, it will end in a tre- mendious blast that will not hurt any- thing materially. We will not troub- le ourselves about it any more, as that is of no service in any way, but we can leave in God’s hand, and trust it is safe. But would it not be nice to go and see the place and Niagra falls which are right on the way, it is quite pleasantly situated too right on the Lake, and just in abot the same latitude that we are now. As to [Annie?] going – Oh ph[illegible], its all bosh anyway of course she wont! And now are you coming home? I should think you would come home to be with us Christmas and a few days, and then go back and paint if you have so good an opportunity to take [illegible] - Oh yes! that just it. Its so near only forty miles, and what joy it would give the expense is not much and then you will have the pleasure and still have most of the vacation to paint after all where as if you went to [Racine?] it would cost you more, take all of your time, and I don’t believe you would en- joy it a [particle?] more, but then [illegible] [illegible] know your own affairs far better than I do, and further more I would not change you from your [purpose?] for anything so do not think anything of what I have said. I did not intend to express myself at all. Yours every inch Joanna [circled: 9] [in margin: It is not asking too much will you not write again immediately and tell me heaps of what you think. Im aching to know.] Oshkosh Wis. Nov. 30. 1873.Darling May. Your letter is received with its emerald contents. I thank you very much for your sweet little present and for your thoughtfulness of me. The gift encircles my neck as I write, and I feel quite con- ceited as I fancy I never looked so weel in anything before. I could not answer your letter on Thanks- giving as I did not receive it in season I was exceeding homesick that day and longed to be with you or some of the other dear ones, and spoke of you a great many times. I guess the girls here would all know you should they happen to meet you, at least they have heard of you often enough. But the next day when I called at
Oshkosh, Wisc.
Date Original
1873 Nov 30
Original letter dimensions unknown.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 02, Image 1237
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Some letters written to John Muir may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.
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John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle