[John Muir]
[Jeanne C.] Carr

Camp on South Fork San Joaquin [1] [1873] Near divide of San Joaq’ & Kings River Sep 27th? - ——————————— Dear Mrs Carr We have been out nearly two weeks. Clark is going to leave us, told me five minutes ago, an a little nervous about it, but will of course push on alone We came out through the Mariposa grove around the head of the [illegible] Joaquin across the canon of the North Fork of San Joaq’. – then across the Can. of [Middle Fork?] of San Joaq’ & up E side of the South Fork one days journey. then picked our wild way across the Can’ of the South Fork & came up one days journey on the West Side of the Canon where we made a Camp, for four days. I was anxious to see the head fountains of this river - & started alone Clark not feeling able to bear the fatigues [involved?] in such a trip. I set out without blankets for a hard climb followed the Joaquin to its [underlined: glaciers], & climbed the highest mtn I could find at its head wh was either Mt Humphreys or the Mtn next S. This as a noble mtn. considerably higher than any I have before ascended. The map of the geological survey give no detail of this wild region I was gone from camp four days & discovered 15 glaciers, & Yosemite Valleys “many O” The view from that glorious mtn 13,300 ft high? is not to be attempted here. [San?] over into O[illegible] River
…San Joaquin, near divide of San Joaq and Kings River
Date Original
[1873] Sep 27
Original letter dimensions: 25 x 39 cm.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 02, Image 1191
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John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle