D[avid] G[ilrye] Muir
John Muir

01240Your kind letter of Sympathy was received; accept of my heartfelt thanks for your kind words of consolation, & encouragement. I never supposed it would be my lot of bear such a severe loss, to drink such a bitter cupt, to endure such anguish. The scene is still reproduced before me every day with undeminished sorrow. Poor Johnnie the pleasant mirthful dutiful many boy, gone & nothing left of him but a pleasant memory, but we shall meet again.He told his playmates repeatedly that as soon as he graduated he was going right to Cal to his Uncle John & sooner if Pa would let him. We are all quite well. Mother is real well & seems happy & contented.[letterhead]2dSarah is much better & stronger than when you were there but still is not strong & has bad spells.My family ahs been all together at home since June. Carrie has gone to [Bogfield Co?] with Miss Rosencross to assist her in conduting county school examinations but will return in a week or two. Annie & I will have gone to the town of Buffalo for a visit while I am here. Will attend [stricken word] examination of teachers & got a good certificate to teach. as he is not eighteen yet I think it will do him good to teach [stricken word] school for a few years
Madison, Wis
Date Original
1886 Sep 10
Original letter dimensions: 23 x 14.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 05, Image 0690
Copyright Status
Copyright status unknown
Copyright Statement
Some letters written to John Muir may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.
Owning Institution
University of the Pacific Library Holt-Atherton Special Collections. Please contact this institution directly to obtain copies of the images or permission to publish or use them beyond educational purposes.
Page Number
Page 2
John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle