John Muir
Louie [Strentzel Muir]

Alameda, Tuesday morning [Aug! 1885]5:30 o'clock.Dear Louie,I came to Alameda last evening and stayed with the Doctor. I am writing in his den downstairs before any of the family is stirring. The Doctor is to drive me to the station (16th St.) -- he insists on being allowed to take the trouble. I am sorry that I had to leave you all in a hurry on account of Denny, and I now bid you all goodbye in this morning calm.[I] awoke to the day's duties at three o'clock this morning. Ten thousand cocks crowed ten hours each in Alameda last night. [I] will reach Delta at seven this evening, then after waiting half an hour for supper, will take the stage and be bumped all night, which will be but little improvement as far as sleep conditions are concerned on the Alameda roosters; reach Sisson's at four in the morning, and may have to stop to rest. [I] feel tired already and dread the whole trip. Still I feel that unless I see my mother now I never shall in this world. [I] was very busy yesterday and suffered in the afternoon with that pain in my stomach. [I] may have to lie down for a week under the trees by the roadside [in] some cool place.I saw Mr. Swett and asked him to see you about Dorsey.If you are afraid of Denny proving too unfaithful perhaps you [had] better hire Dorsey in his place. Do as you think best. You will find his time and cash account in that long fruit account book in case you should need it. [I] saw all the Academy gang yesterday. When I wanted some of them to go with me Dr. Behr said that they had more brains than money, and were therefore unfit for travel. Still he could furnish me with pill boxes for caterpillars and alcohol bottles for beetles -- fill all my pockets and prepare me for scientific pursuits and stage rides. Watkins gave me information about the road north. [I] saw Keith; he could not go as he was in the midst of a fit of inspiration-- painting or pecuniary, perhaps both. Mrs. Jackson may have gone away somewhere; [I] could get no response to my ringing -- blinds down. Kitty made the trip to Martinez in 15 minutes -- had a few minutes to spare. That dried fruit ought to be gathered up. The people are beginning to stir. Here comes the Doctor -- have a long way to drive to the depot. [I] must call at the Uphams for my satchel. Upham is sick with sewer gas.Goodbye. Wanda, papa reaches his arms towards you. Goodbye, all. Take care of your health. Send me a letter to Portland, and to that point on the R.R. where the branch to the Park is. I've forgotten the name of it.Ever truly yours,JOHN MUIRHallas muria Jacks and[illegible].oct.18.1831 d.Sanfransisco.Colif.aug.12 1885 [illegible] 1883,Special commissioner [illegible],1884
Alameda, [Calif]
Date Original
[1885 Aug 11]
Original letter dimensions: 20.5 x 26.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 05, Image 0346
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The unpublished works of John Muir are copyrighted by the Muir-Hanna Trust. To purchase copies of images and/or obtain permission to publish or exhibit them, see
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John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle