
John Muir



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Kimes Entry Number


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William and Maymie Kimes Annotation

There has been a good deal of volunteer work done in the line of trying to preserve our forests. In fact, about all the work done . . . heretofore has been volunteer. Those who have interested themselves in this matter have succeeded in getting a number of national parks established, and forest reservations set aside. . . . Simply withdrawing timber lands from entry is only a first step. . . . The forests must be made to yield a perennial supply of timber, without being destroyed or injuriously affecting the rainfall thus securing all the benefits of a forest. . . . It will be no use for lumbermen or sheepmen to speak of the members [Forestry Commission] as cranks who want to reserve all the forest lands on earth. They have the interest of the country at heart, and will advise for what they deem best, without fear or favor. . . .


The [Portland] Morning Oregonian


p. 8, col. 4

John Muir Is Here. The Noted Scientist Tells About Inspection of Forests. What the Special Government Commission Is Doing-It Will Soon Be in Portland.



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