[Excerpt from the 1871 Notebook.]

[Excerpt from the 1871 Notebook.]


John Muir


Kimes Entry Number


Original Date


William and Maymie Kimes Annotation

William Frederic Bade concludes his biographical article entitled ""John Muir in Yosemite"" with an excerpt from Muir's notebook written September 1871, in the Yosemite Creek Basin: ""How softly comes night to the mountains! I have set fire to two pine logs, and the neighboring trees coming to my charmed circle of light....Grandly do my logs give back their light, slow gleaned from suns of a hundred summers, garnered beautifully away in dotted cells and in beads of amber gum; and, together with the outgush of light, seem to flow all the other riches of their life, and their living companions are looking down as if to witness their perfect and beautiful death."" See also no. 360B. This article is illustrated with nine photographs, one being of Muir's second cabin in Yosemite by George Fiske; in addition, there is a drawing by Muir with an appropriate quote about Muir's sketching.


Natural History, v. 20, no. 2


p. 141

[Excerpt from the 1871 Notebook.]
