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Brother [William Hibbard]
Victoria June 2d 1863 Dear Brother Yours of Mch” [March] 26th was received last week, and afforded me much pleasure, and gratification as it had been sometime since I had received any news from any one at home, and I was becoming fearfull [fearful], that when I did hear from you, that I should get bad news, but thank God, my dear brother, such was not the case, and I have been once more rejoyced [rejoiced] to know that you were all enjoying good health, and were prospered spiritually and temporally. I find that I am not able to post you a letter once a month, without my letters being liable to lie sometime in the post office here, as in visiting this place I do not always strike the Steamer – although I try to do so, for I always expect to get a letter which I which I can reply to. I also find that it becomes more and more dificult [difficult] for me to use the pen owing to my want of practice, and the nature of the work that I am engaged in at present, for labour [labor] is so high, that I am now doing work which is pretty severe upon the hands. We are now in the midst of one of those excitements incidental to gold countries. And which to a great extent unsettle the established order
order of things. It is caused by the discovery of rich and extensive gold deposites [deposits] on, and, in the regeon [region] of Bridge River one of the tributaries of the Frazer, the reports from the diggins [diggings] are of such a nature that even I feel somewhat inclined to once more tempt the fickle Goddess, and go to them, but I do not think that I should do so, for I have almost sworn never to mine again, & I have as much as I can do to be prepared for the demand for lime which we are certain to have before long. They have just succeeded, after hammering away upon the Goverment [Government], for two years, in getting the city incorporated and the machinery of a civic goverment [government] into operation, so that there will soon be an act passed requiring all buildings erected in the city within certain limits, to be of Brick or Stone. And then, the trade which I have so long and impatiently waited for, is sure to come. We are getting along rather slowly at the Lime Works, having so much of the work to do our-selves, and it realy [really] seems as if there would never be an end to the labour [labor] saving improvements we are obliged to make, but I trust that we shall be through sometime. I was extreemly [extremely] surprised to learn on my arrival here that John Cameron had left for home without coming to see me, or even writing me a line. When he left here last season for the mines, he left his surplus baggage with me, and promised me that on his return from
from the mines he would come directly to me, and I cannot understand why he did not do so. The first intimation that I had of his return, was a note received from him requesting me to send his baggage to a party in Victoria, to be forwarded to him. I did so, and wrote him that I was surprised that he had not come to me and that I wished him to write immediately and let me know when I could meet him in Victoria. I received no answer to this letter. Nor did I hear anything more of him until I learned that he had left for Canada. I apure [assure] you that I feel very much hurt that he should have treated me as he has, for I was very anxious that he should pass the winter with me, and I fully expected he would do so We are having some trouble with the Indians at various places on the coast, they have murdered ten or twelve white persons lately, and at one time it looked very much as though we were going to have a general war with them, but the goverment [government] has acted promptly and energeticly [energetically] in the matter and I think the danger has passed away. Two Gun Boats, & a man of war frigate, have been cruizing [cruising] among the Islands, and along the coast, for the past three weeks, and have suceeded [succeeded] in arresting the most, if not all, of the murderers. Three of them, were hung in this place last week, and fourteen more are now in jail awaiting a trial. We are not having much of an [ ]ration this year but the affairs of the colony are in a
prosperous condition. I do not know what to say to you about going home, I know your great anxiety to have me do so, and deeply feel the kind, and brotherly feeling expressed in all of your letters. He who knows the hearts of all only knows, how dearly I cherish the hope of being able to return to you and to again enjoy the society of those who are dearer to me than all the world besides, but it is impossible for me to do so this year, and perhaps the next, but I assure you that I shall exert myself to the utmost to accomplish it. In one of your letters you requested me to send you some of our postage stamps. I forgot to enclose them in my last letter, but do so now, we have but the one denomination which I send. The colony of British Columbia has none as yet I believe.
I shall try and write you often, for I feel that you have just cause to complain of my remissness in performing that duty. Give again my dearest love to all at home, and kind regards to inquiring friends. I shall look for a letter from you next mail, and if I get one, will answer immediately so until then good by [goodbye] my dear brother, may God ever bless and prosper you and yours
Your Affectionate Brother
Augustin Hibbard
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Hibbard, Augustin, "Letter from Augustin Hibbard to Brother [William Hibbard], 1863 June 2" (1863). Gold Rush Life. 30.
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