
Delia Locke


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Mar. 6. Thursday. Comfortable. (T.S.R. 41. 2 P.M. 57. S.S. 52.) Mar. 7. Friday. The weather today has been cloudy and rainy. (T.S.R. 46. 2 P.M. 53. S.S. 46.) Mar. 8. Saturday. In the Division this eve, Mr. W. P. Blakeslee and John Tuets were initiated. John is to live here, and I hope he will be and continue a good temperance man. (T.S.R. 32. 2 P.M. 52. S.S. 48.) Mar. 9. Sabbath. This afternoon we did not have Mr. Blakeslee to preach to us as usual, but a note came saying he was necessarily detained at Folsom where his family resides. Mr. W. P. Blakeslee read a sermon to us subject the Lord's Prayer. We learn that the steamer Fanny Ann is snagged and sunk near Mokelumne City. It seems that by the excitement got up by Mr. Woods, a large quantity of freight was engaged to be brought up by this steamer on her next trip. And the captain, too much dated by his late success, loaded too heavily, and so endangered his boat. Not being as cautions as at first, the accident happened, which may prove fatal to the boat, captain, enterprise and all. We regret to learn of it, though I think the captain deserves no better fate. (T.S.R. 32. 2 P.M. 55. S.S. 49.) Mar. 10. Monday. The weather has been cloudy with a little rain. (T.S.R. 46. 2 P.M. 54. S.S. 51.) Mar. 11. Tuesday. Rainy. (T.S.R. 49. 2 P.M. 56. S.S. 54.) Mar. 12. Wednesday. Weather still rainy. Messrs. Shoemaker and Hendrix to supper. There seems to be a swelling on little Horace's jaw - on the left side. We have not noticed it at all before today, and it swells very fast. Dr. says he thinks it is owing to irritation caused by teething. (T.S.R. 49. 2 P.M. 61. S.S. 54.) Mar. 13. Thursday. Mr. Shoemaker took breakfast here. Mr. Hendrix was also here to breakfast and supper. He is helping to build a ferryboat. Dr. is now about to establish a ferry across the river back of George's house. Mr. Clapp called here today. He says he has moved his family out of the Mountain Spring House to a private house nearby, and intends to keep public house no longer. Mrs. Clapp will rejoice. (T.S.R. 40. 2 P.M. 61. S.S. 60.) Mar. 14. Friday. We had rain this forenoon. There are now eight men in the family, and I, of course, am very busy indeed. (T.S.R. 48. 2 P.M. 56. S.S. 51.) Mar. 15. Saturday. The weather is cloudy. Dr. has again started for San Francisco, to engage in the steamer enterprise. He is determined to make another effort to navigate the Mokelumne to Lockeford, and he is sanguine that he shall fully succeed this time. He has gone today to Woodbridge in company with Ges, Locke, and they intend to go down the river to the bay on the small steamer Laura Ellen, which came from San Francisco after the disaster which occurred to the Fanny Ann, in order to relieve her of the cargo on board and bring it to its destination. Woodbridges I have not attended the Division this eve. Little Horace is so unwell, I did not like to leave him. The bunch on his face grows large and painful, and causes him to be restless and feverish. Dr. however, did not think it best to open it before he left, and hopes it will not be anything serious. (T.S.R. 38. 2 P.M. 60. S.S. 54.) Mar. 16. Sabbath. Weather cloudy and rainy. I have not been able to attend church on account of the baby Horace. He is quite sick, and I could not take him out. Mr. Blakeslee preached, and dined here. (T.S.R. 50. 2 P.M. 60. S.S. 55.) Mar. 17. Monday. Mr. Blakeslee dined with us, I have written to the Dr. this evening. (T.S.R. 50. 2 P.M. 56. S.S. 55.) Mar. 18. Tuesday. Mr. Blakeslee teacher of the school is not well, and Susie took his place in the schoolroom today, and left Sarah in my care. Mrs. Read called here this forenoon with her children. (T.S.R. 40. 2 P.M. 65. S.S. 57.) Mar. 19. Wednesday. Mr. D. B. Nye called this morning to say that he is about to start for San Francisco, and that he would take any message for me that I wished to send to the Dr. I accordingly sent a note by him. Little Horace is no better. (T.S.R. 47. 2 P.M. 65. S.S. 61.)

Date Original

March 1862

Dates Covered



Original diary dimensions: 23 x 35 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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Delia Locke, diaries, women, diarist, California, Locke-Hammond Family Papers, Lockeford, CA, Dean Jewett Locke, rural life, rural California, 19th Century, church, temperance organizations, Mokelumne River Ladies' Sewing Circle, temperature recordings, journal
