
Delia Locke


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1862. shall we again enjoy pleasant weather? (T.S.R. 37. 2 P.M. 47. S.S.47.) Jan. 14. Tuesday. The morning was rainy, the remainder of the day no rain fell, though the clouds wore a threatening aspect. Mr. Brumback has been here all day, and Mr. Blakeslee to dinner and tea. They have now surveyed the town of Lockford, and Mr. Blakeslee is to have a lot near ours. Mr. Neal to tea. (T.S.R. 45. 2 P.M. 47. S.S. 44.) Jan. 15. Wednesday. The weather is still cloudy and rainy, (T.S.R. 37. 2 P.M. 45. S.S. 45.) Jan. 16. Thursday. The day has been very rainy. The wind is now from the north, and the weather consequently cold and disagreeable. (T.S.R. 38. 2 P.M. 40. S.S. 40.) Jan. 17. Friday. It still rains very hard indeed. Mr. Foster took tea with us. We learn that Mr. Brakeman's brick house has fallen, and is a sad wreck. The family has been completely turned out of doors, and in such a rain. O what a calamity is this deluge that visits us. (T.S.R. 41. 2 P.M. 51. S.S. 53.) Jan. 18. Saturday. Weather still cloudy and rainy. Mr. Foster was here with us to breakfast and dinner, and Ger. Locke also to dinner. At the Division, there were but few present but we had a pleasant time. It is the anniversary of our organization. Just two years have passed since the Division was formed The hand and heart that guided its formation are dead and still. But we hope and trust the Division will live and flourish for many years. (T.S.R. 55. 2 P.M. 55. S.S. 53.) Jan. 19. Sabbath. The weather was very windy and rainy Mr. Blakeslee preached, text Matt. 16.3, The subject of his discourse was the lesson taught by the late flood. It was a sermon appropriate both to the day and the times. The meeting was, of course, thinly attended. Some fears have been entertained for the safety of our granary, but they are groundless thus far. (T.S.R. 49. 2 P.M. 55. S.S. 54.) Jan. 20. Monday. The weather is still cloudy and rainy. Wells are caving all about in the neighborhood two of ours have met with this accident, and cattle all over the plains get mired and lose their lives. We have lost several valuable cows. As the cattle are so thin in flesh they are not able to bear the severity of the weather. Some men are making money very fast by skinning the cattle which thus die. Mr. Blackeslee took breakfast and supper with us. Mr. Shoemaker was also here to supper. (T.S.R. 55. 2 P.M. 63. S.S. 60.) Jan. 21. Tuesday. Weather still rainy. Mr. Blakeslee has been here all day and Mr. Shoemaker to dinner. (T.S.R. 57. 2 P.M. 63. S.S. 61.) Jan. 22. Wednesday. The weather today has been cloudy and rainy, but this eve gives promise of fair weather Mr. Blakeslee was here to breakfast and Mr. Shoemaker to dinner. Just after dark, Dr. went into the granary for some purpose, and being about to take up something, he took hold of a person's foot instead. He called out "Who's there", and found it was Robert! Could he have come here to steal? There is scarcely a doubt of it, as we know he has taken things away without leave, since he lived with his father. His excuse tonight was that he had come for a pair of shoes he used to wear when he lived here, but he knew very well that his shoes were not in the granary among the sacks. How sad that he should Moose the path of ignorance and size, instead of remaining here, acquiring a good education, and growing up intelligent and virtuous! How sad that he should have such a father! (T.S.R. 59. 2 P.M. 62. S.S. 57.) Jan. 23. Thursday. We have had pleasant weather today. I put my little Horace on the floor, and he commenced to creep the first thing. He can go over the floor as fast as if he had been long accustomed to it. Mr. Blakeslee was here to tea and will remain over night. We have received a letter from mother today. Grandfather Show is dead. He died on the afternoon of the 7th of Dec, aged yrs. - May the good man rest in peace. (T.S.R. 41. 2 P.M. 54. S.S. 48.)

Date Original

January 1862

Dates Covered



Original diary dimensions: 23 x 35 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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Delia Locke, diaries, women, diarist, California, Locke-Hammond Family Papers, Lockeford, CA, Dean Jewett Locke, rural life, rural California, 19th Century, church, temperance organizations, Mokelumne River Ladies' Sewing Circle, temperature recordings, journal
