Content Posted in 2014
58,000 Minutes: An Essay on Law Majors and Emerging Proposals for the Third Year of Law Study, Michael A. Olivas
Accidents Do Happen: Hazardous Technology and International Tort Litigation, Stephen C. McCaffrey
A Decade of International Legal Reform Regarding Child Abuse Investigation and Litigation: Steps Toward a Child Witness Code, John E.B. Myers
All Dried Up: Summer Holiday Prohibition on the Lower American River, Isaac T. Bacher
A National Mineral Policy as an International Investment Law Stratagem: The Case of Tajikistan’s Gold Reserves, Nadia B. Ahmand
Anti-Gang Violence Parenting Classes: Early Parental Involvement Versus Career Criminals, Corey Ordonez
Apple v. Samsung: Is it Time to Change our Patent Trial System?, Sanjeev Bajwa
A Social Justice Perspective on the Role of Copyright in Realizing International Human Rights, Steven D. Jamar
A Tale of Two Ironies: In Defense of Tort, David F. Partlett and William W. Gill
A Tribute to Retiring Chief Justice Malcolm M. Lucas, J. Clark Kelso
Battling the Bulge: Chapter 32 Clarifies Requirements for P.E. Exemptions, Alex Harary
Between Secession and Federalism: The Independence of South Sudan and the Need for a Reconsidered Nigeria, Obehi S. Okojie
Beyond International Water Law: Successfully Negotiating Mutual Gains Agreements for International Watercourses, Alex Grzybowski, Stephen C. McCaffrey, and Richard K. Paisley
Beyond Napster--The Future of the Digital Commons: Introduction, Elizabeth Rindskopf Parker
Biotechnology and the Creation of Ethics, Raymond R. Coletta
Biotechnology and the Law: Introduction, Franklin A. Gevurtz
Biotechnology: Business Organization Issues, Franklin A. Gevurtz
Biotechnology's Challenge to the Law of Torts, Julie A. Davies and Lawrence C. Levine
Biotechnology: Some Issues of General International Law, Stephen McCaffrey
Blended Courses in Law School: The Best of Online and Face-to-Face Learning?, Gerald F. Hess
Bordering on Terror: Global Business in Times of Terror--The Legal Issues: Introduction, Elizabeth Rindskopf Parker
Bridging the Stream of Commerce: Recommendations for Living in the Post-Nicastro Era, Amanda Iler
Brown v. Abbott Laboratories and Strict Products Liability, J. Clark Kelso
Buyer Beware: Electronic Letters of Credit and the Need for Default Rules, William Patrick Cronican
California Judicial Council's "Commission for Impartial Courts", Ronald B. Robie, Richard Fybel, and Mary-Beth Moylan
California's New Limited Liability Company Act: A Look at the Good, the Bad, and the Ambiguous, Franklin A. Gevurtz
California's Response to Its Prison Overcrowding Crisis, David Muradyan
California Wants More Clout: Moving the Presidential Primary to February, Pritee K. Thakarsey
Catching Up to the California Medical Board: The Dental Board of California May Take Action Against Registered Sex Offenders, Pritee K. Thakarsey
Changing Judicial Attitudes Towards Property Rights in California Water Resources: From Vested Rights to Utilitarian Reallocations, Clifford W. Schulz and Gregory S. Weber
Chapter 115: Time to Pay the Typer , Daniel J. Boyle
Chapter 12: Public Health Nurses Can Again Assist Special Needs Children in Schools, Melissa A. Meth
Chapter 17: Giving San Francisco a Leg to Stand on in UCL Actions, Robert Carlin
Chapter 18: Expanding Cultural Education for those Under Twenty-One, William Kramer
Chapter 1: California Fallen Firefighters Assistance Tax Clarification Act of 2006, Serena Crouch
Chapter 205: Including Pets in Domestic Violence Protective Orders, Regina Cabral Jones
Chapter 219: Patching up the Loophole in Contract Cancellation Option Agreements, Yury Kolesnikov
Chapter 21: Extinguishing Mandatory Retirement Requirements for Firefighters...Finally, Stephanie R. Hartung
Chapter 23: Extending Qualified Immunity to Marriage and Family Therapy Schools, Alexis Klein
Chapter 252: Helping to Manage California's Overcrowded Jails, Robert Carlin
Chapter 25: Upon Review, the California Legislature Establishes a Uniform Definition of "Licentiate", Marvin H. Stroud
Chapter 278: Protecting Californians from Predatory Rescue, Vincent G. Buehler
Chapter 32: Bringing Down the Hammer on Type I Indemnity Agreements in Construction Contracts, Brett E. Bitzer
Chapter 34: Hitting Criminal Street Gangs Where It Hurts--Their Wallets, Philip Lee
Chapter 361: Ensuring Assistance for All Disaster Victims, William Kramer
Chapter 424: Terminating Pestering Litigation, or a Paper Pesticide?, Vincent G. Buehler
Chapter 436: More Than Just a Clean-Up Bill, Chad Bacchus
Chapter 49: No Jail for Victims of Domestic Violence, David Wiksell
Chapter 550: Relaxing Consent Requirements for HIV Testing, Colleen Snyder
Chapter 567: Saying "I Do" to Name Changes by Husbands and Domestic Partners, Yury Kolesnikov
Chapter 578: Reducing the Discretion of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, Rebecca Rabovsky
Chapter 60: Long-Term Care or a Band-Aid for California's Emergency Medical and Pediatric Trauma Care Crisis?, Evelyn Grosenick
Chapter 683: Extending Whistleblower Protections to Members of the Medical Staff of Health Facilities, Regina Cabral Jones
Chapter 6: Curing Bond Errors and Saving Taxpayers Money, Philip Lee
Chapter 8: Ensuring that Lottery Sales Translate into Million Dollar Dreams for California Students, Amber M. Burroff
China’s Currency Practices and “Currency Manipulation”: The Power of Action in Inaction, Anthony Yu
Clarifying the Content-Based/Content Neutral and Content/Viewpoint Determinations, Leslie Gielow Jacobs
Conclusion: The Rule of Law Among Countries, Stephen C. McCaffrey
Coordinated Land Use Planning Not Enough to Improve Housing Supply, Matt Cody
Corporations and the European Convention on Human Rights, Winfried H. A. M. van den Muijsenbergh and Sam Rezai
Coverage for Unfair Competition Torts under General Liability Policies: Will the "Intellectual Property" Tail Wag the Coverage Dog?, Francis J. Mootz III
Crisis in Legal Education or the Other Things Law Students Should be Learning and Doing, Carrie Menkel-Meadow
Current Issues in International Arbitration, Michael P. Malloy
Desperately Seeking Science, Francis J. Mootz III
Distinguished Jurist Panel: Insights and Perspectives on the History and Development of Human Rights Norms, Richard Goldstone, Fausto Pocar, and Linda Carter
Emerging International Regime of Financial ServicesRegulation, Michael P. Malloy
Enforcing Desegregation: A Case Study of Federal District Court Power and Social Change in Macon County Alabama, Brian K. Landsberg
Even Moe Dalitz Would Blush: Why the District Attorney Has No Business Collecting Unpaid Casino Markers, Francis J. Mootz III
Evolutionary Pull, Practical Difficulties, and Ethical Boundaries: Using Facebook to Serve Process on International Defendants, Hans Van Horn
Expert Testimony Describing Psychological Syndromes, John E.B. Myers
Explanatory Parentheticals Can Pack a Persuasive Punch, Eric P. Voigt
Financial Reform in the European Union: Establishing the Common Technical Rulebook, Derek Takehara
Firearm Microstamping: A "Bullet with a Name On It", David Muradyan
Fixing an Unintended Flaw: Mandatory Time-of-Use Rates Hindering the California Solar Initiative, Jacqueline Zee
Fixing California Sentencing Law--The Problem with Piecemeal Reform, Stephanie Watson
Foreword: Employment Practices Liability Insurance and the Changing American Workplace, Francis J. Mootz III
Forward, Fausto Pocar
Fragmentation of International Law: The Case of International Finance & Investment Law versus Human Rights Law, Sabine Schlemmer-Schulte
From Fragmentation to Constitutionalization, Harlan Grant Cohen
Get the Balance Right!: Squaring Access with Patent Protection, Kristen Osenga
Getting the Full Report on Proposed Conservators, Alanna Lungren
Global Issues in Contract Law, Michael P. Malloy, John A. Spanogle, Louis Del Duca, Andrea K. Bjorklund, and Keith A. Rowley
Global Issues in Corporate Law, Franklin A. Gevurtz
Global Issues in Intellectual Property Law, Amy Landers, Michael S. Mireles, John Cross, and Peter K. Yu
Global Issues in Securities Law, Franklin A. Gevurtz, Marc I. Steinberg, and Eric C. Chaffee
Global Issues in Tort Law, Julie A. Davies and Paul T. Hayden
“Have a Coke and a Smile”: Is the Aqueduct Alliance Coca- Cola’s Solution to Escape Future Liability for Groundwater Depletion?, Alyssa Carroll
Heard it Through the Grapevine: Chapter 28 Saves California Wine Competitions from Prohibition-Era Law, Christopher Stipes
How I Found Jobs for My Students: One Professor's Story, John Osborn
Human Rights and Delaware Corporate Law, David Millon
In Defense of the Law Review: A Response to Megan S. Knize’s Article, The Pen Is Mightier: Rethinking the “Gladiator” Ethos of Student-Edited Articles, Evelyn A. Grosenick
Index, Pacific McGeorge School of Law
Indian Patent Law and TRIPS: Redrawing the Flexibility Framework in the Context of Public Policy and Health, V. K. Unni
Initial Steps Towards an Assessment of the Potential for a Collaborative Approach to Colorado Delta Ecosystem Restoration, Gregory S. Weber
Integrated Criminal Justice Technologies: An Introduction, J. Clark Kelso
International Project Finance: Risk Analysis andRegulatory Concerns, Michael P. Malloy
Interpretation of Human Rights for the Protection of the Environment in the European Court of Human Rights, Svitlana Kravchenko and John E. Bonine
Introduction: Psychology and Psychiatry in the Law, J. Clark Kelso
Introduction, Symposium: The State and Future of Legal Education, Francis J. Mootz III
Introduction: The Impact of Kelo v. City of New London on Eminent Domain, John G. Sprankling
Introduction to Civil Rights Symposium , Brian K. Landsberg
Introduction: To Devolve, Or Not to Devolve: The (D)Evolution of Environmental Law, J. Clark Kelso
Judicial Backpedaling: Putting the Brakes on California's Law of Wrongful Termination, Lawrence C. Levine
Justice O'Connor Replaces Justice Stewart: What Effect on Constitutional Cases?, Charles D. Kelso
Keeping Cheaters Honest: Banning Products Designed to Evade Image Capture by Automated Enforcement Systems, Oona Mallett
“Kill ‘em and Sort it Out Later:” Signature Drone Strikes and International Humanitarian Law, Kristina Benson
Law and Philosophy, Philosophy and Law, Francis J. Mootz III
Learning in Mulukuku: A Journey of Transformation, Raquel Aldana and Leticia Saucedo
Learning “the True, the Good and the Beautiful” in Law School: Educating the Twenty-First Century Litigator, Michael T. Colatrella Jr.
Legal Consciousness and Contractual Obligations, Kojo Yelpaala
Legal Education and Professional Skills: Myths andMisconceptions About Theory and Practice, Katherine R. Kruse
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Justice: A Comparative Legal Study of the Amanda Knox Case, Danielle Lenth
Limits to the Independent Anti-Corruption Commission Model of Corruption Reform: Lessons from Indonesia, Leslie Gielow Jacobs and Benjamin B. Wagner
Local to Global: Rethinking Spheres of Authority After a World Financial Crisis: An Introduction, Franklin A. Gevurtz
Markets in Transition: Reconstruction and Development: Introduction, Elizabeth Rindskopf Parker
McGeorge School of Law, University of the Pacific
Medical Marijuana: A Study of Unintended Consequences, Gerald Caplan
Methods of Experimental Education: Context, Transferability and Resources, Julie A. Davies
Mexico's Dilemma: Workers' Rights or Workers' Comparative Advantage in the Age of Globalization?, Ranko Shiraki Oliver
Moving Toward Equal Treatment of Homosexuals, John Cary Sims
One Gang Czar to Rule Them All, Alanna Lungren
Owning the Secret of Life: Biotechnology and Property Rights Revisited, Kojo Yelpaala
Panel One: Unfunding Terror--Perspectives on UnfundingTerror: Commentary, Michael P. Malloy
Patriotic Inebriation: Reducing Alcohol-Related Issues on the Truckee River During the Fourth of July, Rebecca Rabovsky
Phoning It In: Chapter 268 Allows Court Appearances by Telephone, Preston L. Morgan
Potential Innovations in Civil Discovery: Lessons for California from the State and Federal Courts, Gregory S. Weber
Preserving Trans-Boundary Aquifers: A Precious Resource for Our Future Generations, Russell Frink
Promoting Social Justice Values and Reflective Legal Practice in Chinese Law Schools, Brian K. Landsberg
Proposition 215: De Facto Legalization of Pot and the Shortcomings of Direct Democracy, Michael Vitiello
Psychological Research on Children as Witnesses: Practical Implications for Forensic Interviews and Courtroom Testimony, John E.B. Myers, Karen J. Saywitz, and Gail S. Goodman
Regional Housing Needs Assessment and Boundary Changes: Responsibility Comes With the Territory, Kevin C. Menes
Reports: Introduction, J. Clark Kelso
Restraining the Unruly Horse: The Use of Public Policy in Arbitration, Interstate and International Conflict of Laws in California, Kojo Yelpaala
Rethinking Corruption: An Introduction to a Symposium and a Few Additional Thoughts, Franklin A. Gevurtz
Review of the Supreme Court's 1988-89 Term and Preview of the 1989-90 Term for the Transnational Practitioner, J. Clark Kelso
Review of the Supreme Court's 1989-90 Term and Preview of the 1990-91 Term for the Transnational Practitioner, J. Clark Kelso
Review of the Supreme Court's 1990-91 Term and Preview of the 1991-92 Term for the Transnational Practitioner, J. Clark Kelso
Review of the Supreme Court's 1991-92 Term and Preview of the 1992-93 Term for the Transnational Practitioner, J. Clark Kelso
Review of the Supreme Court's 1992-93 Term for the Transnational Practitioner, J. Clark Kelso
Rio+20: How the Tension Between Developing and Developed Countries Influenced Sustainable Development Efforts, Kailyn Ellison
Safety First: "Childproof" Not Always the Safest Option, Tiffany D. Corona
Sandra Day O'Connor: A Justice Who Has Made a Difference in Constitutional Law, Charles D. Kelso and R. Randall Kelso
Sentencing Guideline Law and Practice in a Post-Booker World: Introduction, Michael Vitiello
Significant Cases Interpreting Proposition 8, J. Clark Kelso and Brigitte A. Bass
Something for Everyone? The Future of Comprehensive Criminal Justice Initiatives After Senate v. Jones and Manduley v. Superior Court, Mary-Beth Moylan
South Sudan Road to Independence: Broken Promises and Lost Opportunities, Salman M. A. Salman
Startup Immigration: Stimulating Startup Communities with Immigrant Entrepreneurs, David Vidal
Strategies to Increase the Availability of Skills Education in China, Brian K. Landsberg
Symposium--Critical Intersections for Energy & Water Law: Exploring New Challenges and Opportunities: Foreward, Alastair R. Lucas, Gregory S. Weber, and Patricia K. Wouters
Symposium--Experiential Education in China: Curricular Reform, The Role of the Lawyer and the Rule of Law: Introduction, Brian K. Landsberg
Symposium: The Global Impact and Implemenation of Human Rights Norms, Richard J. Goldstone
Table of Contents, Pacific McGeorge School of Law
Taking Stock of Sustainable Development at 20: A Principleat Odds with Itself?: Introduction, Stephen C. McCaffrey
Targeted Killing at a Distance: Robotics and Self-Defense, Wayne McCormack
Teaching in a Transformative Era: Selected Essays from the Society of American Law Teachers Teaching Conference , Raquel Aldana and Hazel Weiser
Teaching, Promoting, and Implementing Human Rights Instruments in Africa: The Need to Contextualize, Fatou Kiné Camara
Teaching Skills in Chinese Law Schools, Brian K. Landsberg
The 1997 U.N. Watercourses Convention: Retrospect and Prospect, Stephen C. McCaffrey
The Canary in the Coal Mine: What the University Can Learn from Legal Education, Richard A. Matasar
The Child Witness: Techniques for Direct Examination, Cross-Examination, and Impeachment, John E.B. Myers
The “Ethical” Surplus of the War on Illegal Immigration, Francis J. Mootz III and Leticia Saucedo
The Exit Tax: A Move in the Right Direction, Christine Manolakas and William L. Dentino
The Family Connection and Young Rehabilitation Act of 2007:No Room for Retribution, Stephanie Watson
The Global Impact and Implementation of Human Rights Norms Introduction, Linda Carter
The Global Impact and Implementation of Human Rights Norms: Introduction, Linda Carter
The Globalization of Corporate and Securities Law: An Introduction to a Symposium, and an Essay on the Need for a Little Humility When Exporting One's Corporate Law, Franklin A. Gevurtz
The Globalization of Corporate Law: The End of History or A Never-Ending Story?, Franklin A. Gevurtz
The Globalization of Insider Trading Prohibitions, Franklin A. Gevurtz
The Global Right to Property, John G. Sprankling
The Importance of Studying Global Issues in Employment Discrimination Law, Brian K. Landsberg
The Intersection of Intellectual Property and Antitrust Law: In re Independent Service Organizations Antitrust Litigation, Matthew G. Jacobs and Michael S. Mireles
The Law of Responsibility: A Response to Fragmentation?, Kristen E. Boon
The Making of the Attorney General: John Mitchell and the Crimes of Watergate Reconsidered, Gerald Caplan
The Missing Angels Act: Recognizing the Birth of Stillborn Babies, Colleen Snyder
The Mixed Use of a Personal Residence: Integration of Conflicting Holding Purposes Under I.R.C. Sections 121, 280A, and 1031, Christine Manolakas
The Monopoly on Digital Distribution, Michael S. Richardson
The Paranoid Style in Contemporary Legal Scholarship, Francis J. Mootz III
The Presumption of Undue Influence Resurrected: He Said/She Said is Back, Christine Manolakas
The Radiating Effects of Torts, Anne Bloom
The Restatement of Gay(?), Lawrence C. Levine and Courtney G. Joslin
The Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act: Bringing "California Donation Law up to Contemporary Medical, Legal, and Bioethical Practices", Jacqueline Zee
The Rhetoric of Recognition, Jeff Todd
The Role of Corporate Law in Preventing a Financial Crisis: Reflections on In re Citigroup Inc. Shareholder Derivative Litigation, Franklin A. Gevurtz
The Role of Environmental Law in the California Water Allocation and Use System: An Overview, Gregory S. Weber
The Role of Judicial Independence, Brian K. Landsberg
The Route of Death for Central and South American Illegal Immigrants Can Come to an End with a Change in the United States' Policy, Sirenia Jimenez
The Sacrifice of Unarmed Prisoners to Gladiators: The Post-Aedpa Access-to-the-Courts Demand for A Constitutional Right to Counsel in Federal Habeas Corpus, Emily Garcia Uhrig
The Shrinking Dead Sea and the Red-Dead Canal: A Sisyphean Tale, Stephen C. McCaffrey
The Sounds of Silence: Waiting for Courts to Acknowledge That Public Policy Justifies Awarding Damages to Third-Party Claimants When Liability Insurers Deal With Them in Bad Faith, Francis J. Mootz III
The Supreme Court's 1987-88 Term: Implications for the Transnational Practitioner, J. Clark Kelso
The Use of International and Comparative Sources in a Domestic Constitutional Law Course, Brian K. Landsberg
The Victims' Bill of Rights: Where Did It Come From and How Much Did It Do?, J. Clark Kelso and Brigitte A. Bass
Toy Story: Timeout for Phthalates, James Bothwell
Transforming Students, Transforming Self: The Power of Teaching Social Justice Struggles in Context, Raquel Aldana
Transnational Business Law in the Twenty-First Century: Introduction, John G. Sprankling
Ugly American Hermeneutics, Francis J. Mootz III
Using Comparative and Transitional Corporate Law to Teach Corporate Social Responsibility , Franklin A. Gevurtz
Was Bedeutet "Terrorismus?", Michael P. Malloy
What Goes Down May Come Up: Public Bond Issuers Facing Soaring Interest Rates Turn to Chapter 3 for Relief, Ira Steinberg
What Is Meant by "Regulation": The Roles Devoted to Markets and Authorities in Times of Crisis, Paul Nihoul and Blair D. Trigg
Why the Initiative Process Is the Wrong Way to Go: Lessons We Should Have Learned from Proposition 215, Michael Vitiello