Claire D. Sprague
Mananzar Relocation Center, Calif.
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June 6, 1942
Dear Mrs. Sprague,
I’m sorry I didn’t write to you sooner. In Manzanar it is very nice except a little hot and dusty. I was sick for one day after we had our typhoid shot. On Tuesday we are going to have our second one. I bet you were very busy Friday. I bet the boys and girls were all happy because it will be summer vacation. Out here we have no school. All we do is eat, play, and sleep. My mother said I am getting too lazy. On the way to Manzanar we past [passed] through Turlock. I saw [Puthie] and [Ayoko]. Lots of Japanese people were waiting for the train. Dorthy [Dorothy] [Sakuri] said you were going to visit Turlock. I wish you can come to Manzanar, so I can meet you but Manzanar is a little too far because it took us sixteen hours to reach here. Well it’s late now. Write when you have time.
Yours till [still],
Emiko Hayashi
Blk. 30 Barrack 1
Unit 1
[Rec.] Center
Date Created and/or Issued
Contributing Institution
Holt-Atherton Special Collections
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Recommended Citation
Hayashi, Emiko, "Letter from Emiko Hayashi to Claire D. Sprauge, June 6, 1942" (1942). Claire B. Sprague Collection. 3.