The Destructive Patriarchy Inherent in Women's Advertisements
Poster Number
Poster Presentation
Faculty Mentor Name
Paul Turpin
Faculty Mentor Department
Abstract/Artist Statement
American consumer advertising has become a critical element in demonstrating how systems of patriarchy continue to be propelled and sustained in today’s society. Patriarchy is a system organized around the principle that what men (should) want comes first, and everything else follows from that. It shapes all aspects of life, both collective and individual, oppressing women and stunting men's growth. This form of oppression is a coherent system that shapes all aspects of life both collective and individual. The relentless focus on youth in advertising poses significant social and personal challenges for women especially as they age. By carefully analyzing the pervasive techniques and strategies of consumer advertising we can understand much about the systematic continuity of the social and cultural patriarchal values that are consciously and subconsciously reinforced against the physical and mental maturation of women. This project will examine a series of advertisements targeted to women in their 30s, 40s and 50s to demonstrate (1) how patriarchy functions as the dominant social structure (2) how this dominant social structure informs the pervasive use of spectacle that women have been socially constructed to identify with (3) how this spectacle conditions women to attempt to live up to unrealistic standards of youth, beauty and “femininity” (4) the effects this conditioning has on aging women’s self-esteem, self perception and social identity and (5) the critical role advertisements play in reinforcing this unhealthy standard.
DeRosa University Center, Ballroom
Start Date
30-4-2016 1:30 AM
End Date
30-4-2016 3:30 PM
The Destructive Patriarchy Inherent in Women's Advertisements
DeRosa University Center, Ballroom
American consumer advertising has become a critical element in demonstrating how systems of patriarchy continue to be propelled and sustained in today’s society. Patriarchy is a system organized around the principle that what men (should) want comes first, and everything else follows from that. It shapes all aspects of life, both collective and individual, oppressing women and stunting men's growth. This form of oppression is a coherent system that shapes all aspects of life both collective and individual. The relentless focus on youth in advertising poses significant social and personal challenges for women especially as they age. By carefully analyzing the pervasive techniques and strategies of consumer advertising we can understand much about the systematic continuity of the social and cultural patriarchal values that are consciously and subconsciously reinforced against the physical and mental maturation of women. This project will examine a series of advertisements targeted to women in their 30s, 40s and 50s to demonstrate (1) how patriarchy functions as the dominant social structure (2) how this dominant social structure informs the pervasive use of spectacle that women have been socially constructed to identify with (3) how this spectacle conditions women to attempt to live up to unrealistic standards of youth, beauty and “femininity” (4) the effects this conditioning has on aging women’s self-esteem, self perception and social identity and (5) the critical role advertisements play in reinforcing this unhealthy standard.