![Young women choir practice](https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/kam-videos/1058/thumbnail.jpg)
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Video from Dimen Village of the young women choir singing at the Dimen Dong Eco-Museum. There are nine women standing in a line and singing in a beautiful arrangement of harmonies and melodies. They are singing in polyphony where the majority of singers sing the low part of the melody, while the lead singer or singers sing the high part. This song is called Cockoo Heralding Spring and it emulates the sounds a cockoo makes.
Date Created
File Identifier
Kam, China, Dong, Guizhou, Chinese Minority, Cultural preservation, Videos, Women, Dimen Village, Music and opera, Dimen Dong Eco-Museum, Western fashion
Dimen (地扪村), Liping, Qiandongnan, Guizhou, China
Funding Provided by University of the Pacific
Art and Design | Art and Materials Conservation | Arts and Humanities | Asian Studies | Book and Paper | Chinese Studies | Civic and Community Engagement | East Asian Languages and Societies | Fashion Design | Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies | Fiber, Textile, and Weaving Arts | History | International and Area Studies | Place and Environment | Race and Ethnicity | Rural Sociology | Social and Behavioral Sciences | Sociology | Sociology of Culture | Women's Studies
Rights Holder
Marie Anna Lee, c. 2019
Rights Management
All images and videos provided in the Kam Minority Archive by Marie Anna Lee on University of the Pacific's Scholarly Commons are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND) license.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Lee, Marie Anna, "Young women choir practice" (2010). All Videos. 59.