
Circa Date
Martinez Jan 31,
Captain Frank Weir
Dear Sir,
Many thanks for permission to use the [admirable] [illustrations] in your report on the Sequoia parks. Grand telling tree pictures are very hard to get [even] from the most accessible forests (much more from those of the Kaweah [& Tule]) Your report recalls a long rough lonely 3 mos [months] trip I made 25 years from Yo [Yosemite] along the Sequoia belt to its southern extremity in the land of Deer crk [Creek] tracing the boundaries of all the groves & forests & the gaps between them. It was then that I first discovered & named the Giant Forest of the Kaweah & made pencil sketches of their beautiful Sequoia bordered bogs & meadows some 4 years ago I took Prof [Sargent] and General [ ] Abbot up to [Mineral King/Middle Kern] but they were too great a hurry
Resource Identifier
MuirReel33 Notebook05 Img007.jpg
Contributing Institution
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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