
Circa Date
Where does he live. In God’s outdoors, the Universe at large. His home nest is in a picturesque valley opening into the bay of S.F. [San Francisco]
Where can his book be obtained. Published by the Century Co. Am now finishing the last chapters of a second. Which is to be published this year by Houghton Mifflin and Co.
It seems wonderful to me & encouraging that you should be so interested in my lonely life spent mostly in the shadows of the great American wilderness with no thought of being heard of and that you have [can] so truly seen and entered into that life. I remember seeing you at the State Fair and being surprised
[Upper page, upside down]
My dear Mr. Ridgeway
I am very sorry to learn the sad news of your son’s death. Your only child so hopeful and beloved. I wish I could say or do anything to help in this supreme affliction, the sorest and unbearable that belongs to mortals but words are of no avail more than 12 years ago we nearly lost one of our little girls, and the [anxious] agony [of that time] we then suffered is forever unforgettable. Be assured of [my] Can’t you and Mrs. Ridgeway come to our home next summer and go with us to the mountains?
Heaven help and comfort you
With deepest sympathy
Resource Identifier
MuirReel33 Notebook05 Img005.jpg
Contributing Institution
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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