
Circa Date
Rough drafts of letters in this notebook, have been typewritten – Yosemite and Alaskan notes have not been copied.
The typewritten copies of these letters are numbered to correspond with numbers assigned to letters in this book
[Martinez/Monday] M. [May] 27/01
[Madam/Mr/s] [Mr/M.] T[ ]
I’ll not be able to accept your kind invitation [ ] [ ] [ ] [the] work finished a little book about the Forest Reserves and Nat [National] Parks & its publishers are pushing me unmercifully [ ] for copy & illustrations lest the book be delayed beyond the most favorable [time] [So I have to deny myself & stick to my desk] But after this job is off my hands I’ll be glad to accept your kind invitation. In the meantime, I must practice strict self-denial & stick to my desk. Of course I know Miss [ ], the brave and good mtneer [mountaineer] & writer [and] have long been one of her most devout admirers.
Resource Identifier
MuirReel33 Notebook05 Img002.jpg
Contributing Institution
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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