
27 Silver gray of wet snow the lustre of innumerable drops. Companies of small firs & spruces & pines & [Libo] each with [special] adornment of gem [ ] & snow. [ ] finest 50 on spray 6 in long [Fading] of tree tops in [mist] Get wild[ness] [space] into [matter] & [fineness] [I] wildness into [ ] [ ] myself [ ] [like] [then] [ ] & while correspondence of [ ] to this matter. The spangles of madrona lvs [leaves] [finest] of all washed silver of sunlight of pines, gray with [the] [passionate] [ ] & [ ] [ ] day felt in the pulses of [sqrs] [squirrels] [linnets] et[c]. The brown leaf carpeted ground
28 Mellowed & yellowed with [evening] [sungold]
Wind storm 15 = 20 trs [trees] fell Naked maples & black oak, sugar p yel chest oak lvs [leaves] [flying] & sprays. Doug Sp [Douglass Spruce] 7 ft dia distinctly moving. [] [] & [commingling] silvery sprays. View from tops of plains Buttes & bank of cld (Yel) to E from whence came the wind One of finest storms ever [beheld] pines washed & air also The sun seemed fresher as if also new Tree fall every [five] minutes
Date Original
October 1874
Original journal dimensions: 9 x 14.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist