
26 [Pelleae] denser at Salt Creek elevation 1000 ft ~ Saw Pel' [Pellaea] mucro [mucronata] gymnogramma, polypod' [polypodium] adiantum & aspidium on one rock 2 new mints. One covers the ground in pale grayish patches low & pressed. Perhaps a sage - has spikes 8 or 10 in [inches] long The other is probably a monardilla. finely [frag'] [fragrant] The Judas tree V [very] ab [abundant] rusty dull brown lvs [leaves] in [fading] & pods [likewise] Ash common on [stream], gray light bark
27 The mosses of McCloud River 3 inches thick Flycatchers v [very] ab [abundant] in bog. lvs [leaves] 15 inches long. [twisted] true lvs divergent. Colored red. Opening beneath, contracted edge of opening recurved to prevent escape of beetles Also lower portion of throat covered with transparent bristles pointing downward. easy to get in, hard to get out, the top of hood [curvend], dotted with transparent portions of _ & mottled with purple & roughened with glandular bristles. All beautiful to the eye, palate & nose above terrible beneath. Worms well fed on [etc] small white [painted]
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9 x 14.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist