
30 spent delightfully in so beautiful a spot.
The rocks in the RR pass & for 15 or 20 miles westward are distinctly polished & glaciated, marking the direction of the ice was that pioneered & opened the mtns [mountains] for the road of whose greatness & marvellousness we hear so much. It is interesting to note how rigidly the motion of men & locomotives & squirrels are controlled by the previous motions of the ancient gls [glaciers]. The RR passes
31 the range where the gls glaciers have cut deepest & on both sides curve [obsequiously] along moraines for miles let the engineers fancy the work of laying out a road in any other direction than [par] with that of the ancient ice rivers, gorges & canons 3000 ft drops would occur about as regularly as the [groves] in a piece of corduroy. There is little that is truly glorious in the Sierra scenery as seen from the RR. [comparatively] tame & [low] & but ill seen from the
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 8.5 x 13 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist