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14 streamers of rain [on] three sides cloud display on Sierra [rainclouds ] spanning the brown hills larks singing next morning.
Color of Bldy [Bloody] can [canyon] gloomy Oct 10th. Pale yel [wilow] orange & vermillion of poplar & aspen red of dogwood
[Bower] Cascade falls [span] stair [puns] upon a [20] stair & disappears in [willow] one large fir stands at head of & one small pine
[Sketch] x scarlet [ ] xx [mass] of orange the two [sides] alternate yel & crimson or [ ] thick orange on [gravel] water [mtns]
15 The [ ] [flank] of Sierra lol [between] bldy [Bloody] can [canyon] & head of lake is gloriously adorned with color bands & stripes - in [even] gulch
Lake Tahoe pines strikingly picturesque climate excellent for pines. [ ] tempered lake sufficiently extensive to affect the climate Yel [yellow] & sugar pines not extraordinary in size but exceedingly [thrifty] Young ponderosa tasseled in the most marvelously symmetrical manner. Special [favorites] of the mtn winds [sketch of tree]
Truckee riv sluggish at outset but swifter as it proceeds. Has water much like that of the McCoud
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 8.5 x 13 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist