
From Sug [Sugar] Pine Pt. [Point] to Em [Emerald] Bay there is a series of well marked moraines lat [lateral] medial running into lake These are quite large & form sides from [bays] Em [Emerald] Bay is formed by two large lateral ms [miles] of gl [glacier] wh [which] flowed N 40 E into lake has [large] boulders gray granite they are corrugated like all other mors [moraines] of similar age proving that there recurred considerable irregularity in gl [glacial] period height of Em [Emerald] Bay mors [moraines] (500 NE [Northeast] side) slope 30 [degrees]
Very large Sug [Sugar] Pines 10 ft dia [feet diameter] [com] [common] along shore on W side
The arloslaphylos [Arctostaphylos] glauca most ab [abundant] of shrubs along coast the only one of E side [pungens] on W side
a small ceanothus with toothed stiff ever green [lvs] [leaves] forms fine carpet ab
[abundant] all along E side, other cean [ceanothus] with v [very] large lvs [leaves] dark green ab [abundant] in spreading clump also [integrated]
Alder com [common] in streams & willow
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 8 x 12 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist