
From Lake Valley down E side mtns [mountains] [hug] the shore rather closely making the trail from Glenbrook rather rough
The mtns [mountains] on this side granite with exception of [Cave] rock a mile S
of Glenbrook.
Towards foot of lake strike lava (gray) much lava in all the shore sand & boulders of shore & moraines
Moraines ab [abundant] all along but littler chance for [their] deposition untill [until] within
a few ms [miles] of Hot Spring where a large gap occurs running over into Carson Valley, also here is a large cove once part of lake now heavily timbered now filled with mor [moraine] matter, on right-side of this gap looking N [North] there is a well formed lat [lateral] moraine quite high on mtn [mountain] (1000 ft) this recess
the only large one on E side has been sadly hacked & torn by loggers
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 8 x 12 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist