
of all narrow gulches from N of Bishop crk [creek] 10 ms [miles] at least & south to cottonwood crk [creek]
Beautiful now end of Oct [October]
Red & orange yel [yellow]
Plenty of brier rose turning crimson
Moraines S of Bishop crk [creek] not advancing [into] plain [one] [pair] from Bish can [Bishop canyon] & next N advancing short dist [distance] 3 small live gls [glaciers] at head of Big Pine crk [creek] visible from vil [village] of B [Bishop] [Pine]
a row of Pinus Ponderosa advance along stream bank into plain crk [creek] is larger waters great extent of plain rendering it fertile What raised [nut] & oats at Bish crk [Bishop creek] Land v [very] good about Bish crk [Bishop creek] Pin crk [Pine creek] & branch of Owen River that waters Round Val [Valley] (Corn the staple
No fence law cattle not allowed in val [valley] until mid [middle] of Oct or Nov?)
Owen Riv [River] larger & crooked at Bish crk [Bishop creek].
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 8 x 12 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist