
of cascades 10550
Alt [altitude] 2nd basin at mouth of 1st gl [glacier] trail 10400
of 3 d wh [which] is longest 1/2 m or 3/4 300 yds [yards] wide 10350 of 4th wh [which] lies at top 1st Cascades 10,000 From this series of Alts [altitudes] deduct 150,?
In ascending this main Mt. Miller Fork of Joaq [Joaquin]?The first [trib] [tributary] of any size is on the right S [south] side about 1 m [mile] above 1st meadow It is a bright active stream coming down in foaming Cascade 1000 ft? the next on N [north] side is
quite small
Next on S [south] outlet of 1st gl. [glacier] did not see it well Next the stream divides nearly equally. One branch turning off to left (N) to drain Mt Miller wh [which] has one, & perhaps two gls [glaciers]. This stream comes down in very lawless cascades through the willows, through the pines without any channel in [dozen] strips, sep [separate] or gathered again Alt [altitude] of about 700 ft
The other holds straight
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 8 x 12 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist