
Mr. Ayore, and Mr. Stokes, who was a friend of Sir J.D. Hooker, the great botanist. Mr. Stokes told me that when he was a little boy Sir Joseph frequently trotted him on his knee. Stopped at Savoy Hotel. Beautiful trees in front of it. Mostly Royal Poncina, now in flower. Legumes two feet long when mature. Nearly all the shade trees in Beira are Cassurianus from Australia. A very dull town. Hot, dim cloudy, muggy, all day. Rank, lush grass on the low flats, extending from the bass of the mountains to the sea. Palms abundant and other trees along the banks of a small stream. Some extensive corn fields called meales, groves and half meadows and forest, not unlike those of N. England. The average height of the mountains between bury and the Beira lowlands nearly 5000 feet. That is, the stations along the R R track. Jan 25. The Windhuk arrived this evening. Jan 26. Went aboard this afternoon by motor boat. Secured a fine, airy cabin on the promenade deck near my old quarters and now feel at home. Jan. 27. Still discharging cargo. Mostly coke from Europe. Taking on sugar and copper ore. Weather very sultry. Jan. 28. Completed cargo about 1:00 P.M. Too late to get out over the harbor bar. Anchored a few miles from town until 10:00 P.M. time of high tide. Then sailed for Chinde on the delta of the Zambesi. This day has been oppressively hot and steamy. Sultry towards evening. All the sky ablaze with sheet lightning, and streaked at short intervals with thundering zig-zag lightning, accompanied with torrents of rain and a roaring gale that raised high waves and whitened all the sea with spray. Jan. 29. Arrived off the Port of Chinde at the mouth of the Zambesi about 10:00 A.M. Large tender came out over the bar, bringing many passengers, mostly colored, and also discharging many, a hundred or more, of the same mixed races. The sea was very rough and
Date Original
November 1911
Original journal dimensions: 10 x 17 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist