
11 Point forming top of W wall of Can I descended opp [ ] trib 9800. From HH to Grand average about 9000? Double [cone] of Mt Diablo visible from Goth Pk also yellow hazy [ ] & cost R to Pacheco nearby. M Diablo seen in yellow red clds [sketch] Black streamer like clds higher rising from level [barried] Sierras clear slightly thinly purpled Castle, Cath, Dana, Gib [ ] [ ] [ ] [Mammmoth] &
12 Many miles of [summits] N ward. Flex & [Monticola] & Will [spruce] Line S 6 W runs through Gothic Pk main upp channel of Yosem Crk & great [ ] trail Gap. Middle mtn Yosem Crk forms W bank of the Ice stream [sketch: Falls; Eagle Pt El Cap; [nono] gap; Basin edge wavy; [ ] [ ]; mid mtn] May be divided (Lower) ice from [H] (middle0 ice from here* ([West] Ice from beyond by Gap.
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 7 x 15 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist