
Meantime the other launch was seeking us in Reid Inlet Lectured crossing on the trip. The Harriman Gl[acier]. received with cheers. Mr. Harriman came to thank me for proposing the name. 15th 10 am just entering Sitka harbor. The day fine sunny warmer after Gl[acier] Bay Fine woodsy scenery of Peril Straits enjoyed after icy splendor & [&] rocky bareness of Gl[acier] Bay. Rainy all day. Strolled up town Called on Mrs Vanderbilt. Visited curiosity shops Had the governor, Captain Goodrich & [Lieut] Emmons[George Foster Emmons] with ladies a doz[en] or so. Champagne & a merry chatty time. Gramophone songs & speeches at table. Then smoke & chat. Then lecture
on plants of Gl[acier] Bay & fossil forests by Coville[Frederick Coville] Lovely orchid Calypso by Emmons brought to him by Russian from neighboring island. It is purple. One flrd. One [ ] & has white bulb like Calypso 16. Lovely morning then showery Set off to visit hot springs 12 or 15 ms[miles] from Sitka. [Cove] among islands Rich vegetation Hemlock spruce yel[low] cedar. [Salmon] [ ] in bloom. Dwarf cornel 2 vacciniums. Charming purp[le] dodecatheon. The tallest [poly] [ ] [finely] covered boulders Epilobium 3 vacciniums spruce [ ] [Drawing: plants on a boulder]
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist