
John Muir


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Scrawny branched and yel foliaged, most of young charmingly pinnate, some yel, some green, some blue; needles some blunt or nearly so, all sharp at top and curled up; limbs stripped off to 12 ft on up side with snow, a few of limbs on lower side to 10 ft dragged down, all bent at base of trunk. Las yr’s crop of seeds good, many now growing. 7 Colyledons just spreading at 800 ft most with seed and wing still attached. Stem of seedling purple 1 in long, root 5 in long ere seed drops off. This yr many buds blasted, frosted. [Sept 7]. Start for Boston and the Allegheny mtns. [Sept 8]. Vivid scarlet of plum, small bushes on dry South foothills of Siskyou mtns near Klamath, also fine yel and white eriogonum. Yel p at foot of mtns with juniper and nut p. A concolor, Doug sp and Madrona on Summit pass, 4300 ft. Fine effect on tawny fields on bottom of Rogue R val and its gently rising sides. Excellent peaches and apples at Ashland. [Sept 9]. Down Willamette val, all dry and ½ barren looking, wondrous level. Rather rough looking houses and littered farmsheds generally, not ½ cultivated, get living too easily. Arrive Portland 9:30 A.M. Had pleasant company with Col. Soper, told of the Hawaiian islands; also with Mr. Welch, who talked Klondike and gave news of Mr. Young; also with Mr. Williams whose father came down from Golorin Bay with us. Very few autumnal tints along

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.

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Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist
