
Thursday, January 16, 1896
Hearty copious rain all day with moderate & high wind. a genuine winter storm such as every Californian was longing & praying for.
Mr. M. [Muir] finished writing to Mr. Waterman.
have an attack of bronchitis - pretty miserable.
Friday 17
Mine & Lewis Waterman letters mailed today.
Pretty sick with acute bronchitis
Still raining in detached showers
Wrote to Miss Hittell & R [N] Johnson on Yo [Yosemite] & park affairs
Saturday 18
Had sore feverish night.
Cloudy but only slight showers.
Feel a little better.
Had note from Moreal - says tax state & federal will be due April.
Sunday, January 19, 1896
Cloudy. Wind S [South]. & looks like rain.
Had a good rest last night. Feel v [very] weak
Slight rain.
6 P.M. raining. Wind rising likely to be a wet night. Ideal catarral [catarrhal] weather
Monday 20
Rained hard last eve [evening]. The flat covered or spotted with pools.
Raining again this P.M.
Slept passably well. am now sneezing & nose blowing 500 times an hour.
Wrote to Mr Braun offering Barber R [Ranch].
X Petersen paid $25. on note.
Tuesday 21
Still raining this morning & rain nearly all last night. The ground is getting a complete deep soaking though the streams [here] have not yet been in flood & comparatively little water is landing on the flat. Most has gone straight down as store for the season.
My cold is little better. The most horrible [uncurable]
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 18 x 21 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist