
Aug 25. Start this morning for Soda Springs; cold - 42o on meadow at sunrise. Charming ride to Soda Springs - time 2 hrs. Loveliest Patons, old and young laden more than all other conifers with cones drooping - more beautiful the more fruitful. Got good photo of Tenaya Dome. Perhaps accessible from the E side. View of Tuolumne monument very fine glistery with ice polish other huge sheerfaced rocks ab. Find views from moderate elevations about the meads. Gentiana propinqua and Simplex very abundant in meads between moraine heaps around Soda Springs especially eastward, the latter species especially ab. Making acres fairly blue, quality of blue fine as the sky - prop almost purple and flowers numerous. Erigeron, Potentilla etc. Aug 26. Ascend Conness. Fine crisp morning, temp. 19o very bright at 11.30. Gentle snow storm, fine to see the snow once more loom of peak in storm gentians closed their bells, the blue daisies their rays and all were made glorious with crystals of frozen dew viewed through lens in sunlight very beautiful keen fine needle rays, making fringe for every petal and leaf - Then how lovely and divine a thing appeared every grass panicle. Snow falling through spires of trees- on meadows on lake. Frelollia on trail moraine. Snow turned back a large party as they approached the summit. Aug 27. Spent in camp - glorious morning all solid white winter - temp 21o at sunrise. 6 in. snow on meads. 3 ft at head of Mono pass, perhaps 3 ft on Dana and Gibbs. Fall of avas from pines. Mostly melted by noon on meadows. Snowballing enthusiasm of boy Crow. Birds many on meadows and groves strange bunchy blue jay, clink crow - Robins snow buntings. Aug 28. Start for Little Yosemite at 7, arrive at 3.15 after allowing horses to rest and feed one hour and stopping for photos of Paton back of Cathedral. Charming camp in Little Yosemite new climate, temp morning 25o calm the storm reached to flank of Clouds Rest Clark Crow here this morning, food ab. Cones ripe. Aug 29. Visited head of falls all lace fold on fold flowing in graceful curves touching overlapping sown with glistening beads and dust of sparkling diamonds. Iron guard at head of precipice,
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 10.5 x 17.5 cm.
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Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist