
July Friday 12 The wind from the sea still flowing & we & the vines rejoice. The herons still linger about their nests on the sycamores beside [in] our vineyard though the young have all [tried] their wings a week or more ago. Fanny Davis came to visit grandmother Strentzel this evening.
Saturday 13 Cool in the morning but the north wind began to blow about noon & it soon grew warm. Went to the city. Keith has gone to the country to sketch for a few weeks. Called at the [Droeing’s] office but they were not in. Some days ago I received the proof sheets of a review of my book from London in German for a German botanical magazine. So far I have not been successful in finding anybody able to read it well. To scientific they say. Franny’s husband came this evening on a bicycle.
Sunday 14 Capt. Bulaska, Mrs. Pawbliska & her son came to visit us. The captain is an old friend of Dr. Strentzel. Weather hot. They returned on the 4:30 P.M. train. Also Ened Bird.
Monday 15 Still hot north wind weather. Mr. & Mrs. Douglas [& Ened Bird] left this morning by the early train for the city. So we are alone again.
Tuesday 16 Cool in the morning but hot in the P.M. The wrens I think are out of the nest trying their wings & their eyes in this fine world. Hope the cats missed them.
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 20 x 27 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist