
harbor. The day was fine and we enjoyed the sail very much, skimming rapidly along with our steam launch over the smooth water, Mr. Nelson making desperate attempts now and then to kill rare specimens of ducks, petrels, auks, etc. Puffins and black brants were seen also, the Rodgers petrel. A rare salmon-trout also from the stream which enters the head of the bay. The rocks bounding the bay, although beautiful in combinations of curves and heights, all were intensely desolate looking, and the valleys between the walls of the largest butt had scarce enough of vegetation to give a distinct tinge of color. Yet here large flocks of reindeer find sustenance, wild ones as well as tame, and also the Argali, though not in great numbers. On the terminal moraine of the glacier that formed the 1st main tributary of the Plover Bay glacier some 4 miles from the extreme head of the bay on the left side we noticed 2 small skin-covered huts which our guides told us belonged to the reindeer people
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 11.5 x 21 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist