
charcoal, which she dropped on some more coarsely powdered and crumbled between finger and thumb, then blow it gently and put on more charcoal in the form of cinders and blew harder, then broke off splinters from a chip with her teeth and speedily kindled a blaze. Matches are hardly known here, and so easily a fire made in this way that they take no pains to keep it up after it is lighted when the little cooking they do is finished. They do not attempt to keep warm by making fires to sit around, but retire into their pologs which are warmed by means of oil lamps. The people here father the leaves of the dwarf willow for food, which no doubt are found to be wholesome and almost necessary in connection with their oily food, which forms the main portion, just as the Thlinkets use the inner bark of the merten spruce. Lovely sunset and moon-rise combined from ten to eleven o’clock. A rich golden bar across the water of the bay in the line of the sun, a silver bar stretching from the vessel in the opposite direction to the full moon. Have not seen moon or star for a month before this eve.
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 11.5 x 21 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist