
looking lot, about 40 of them. Had no interpreter and of course found great difficulty in making ourselves understood, found a knife and spoon marked. Traded a few articles, bear-skins, ivory, etc. Mean to go ashore tomorrow and obtain the rest of the Vigilance articles seen by Mr. Hering and Reynolds. I enquired by signs when the Vigilance was discovered and the condition she was in, showing them a drawing of a ship. One of the men who saw the vessel took a pencil and drew a pair of deer-horns on the end of the jib-boom and pointed to them with an air of a man telling the truth without the slightest prompting. He also showed that the masts were broken but the boom was left in place. A remarkably warm wind has been blowing all day nearly, from 50 to 55 in the afternoon with no sunshine, the air tremulous, making objects close at hand even so shaky and distorted as to render miles in length, flying past; also flocks of hundreds of red phalaropes Bowhead birds.
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 11.5 x 21 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist