
6 to [the] a charming group of islands. but everyone turned away from the islands saying "Yes they are very fine but where did you see the whale." The timber is larger & apparently better everyway as you go N. [north] from Victoria, that is on the islands. perhaps on acct [account] of fire from less rain to S [south] ward. All islands have been overswept save perhaps a few lofty summits wh [which] have been [shaped] by local gls [glaciers]. All have approximately the form of greatest strength. & every channel also. As opposed to the near & pressure of gls [glaciers]. Islands still being born in Glacier Bay & elsewhere to the northward Find many pleasant people on board Prof Niles of Institute of Technology Mr Russel & Mr Kern of Geological
7 Survey who are on way to St Elias region. & many others, . Two San Jose ladies Mrs McDonald & Miss Ryland granddaughters of Peter Burnett. 1st Governor of Cal [California] Arrived at Wrangel in rain at 1030 PM June 20 A grand rush on shore to buy curiosities & see totoem poles. Shops jammed, mobbed. fine prices for shabby stuff manufactured expressly for this trade. "Never shopped at midnight before" said the ladies. Silver bracelets the most popular -- then baskets, yel [yellow] cedar paddles etc. Most people who travel look only at what they are directed to look at. Great is the power of guidebook makers, however ignorant & irresponsible though of course all is adjusted to popular demand in time. Enquired for Lot & Shakes. both away
Date Original
June 1890
Original journal dimensions: 9 x 14.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist