
so [can] no wind stirs the lvs [leaves] but some [seeking] [ ] [shakes] the [bills] A stormy home for [ ] surely, so steep a mtn slope [avas] [down] this [came] & show lies [long] & deep. Hail, [dance] torrent of rain. [shelled] in bud & bulb & bushes all over the mtn [mountain] side here & there[&] everywhere up to the [snow] (the outs & ins of glens & rocks & hollows Lake, [never] so beautiful the mtns & islands. Its grand sunny rim. [ ] lives all white. [curled] & bloomy I ran [down] again the mtn steep out on the arms of the instep to the same [lot] [ ]. Determined to [have] the [bap] of one from [though] [ ] back. Crested [ ] gl [glacier] [ ] clouds, bells like lilies on their sides. glassy sea [there] [lie] when not motion for [ ] The boom of [avas] water below the hills wind in pine needles [rush] & [rustles] of wind over trees. The salt of the earth
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 8.5 x 14 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist