
[snowy] [ ] with a dark [forest] in the hollow [glacial] beneath it. [so] what a handful a [hundred] Utah lilies over golden blessed the eyes that see the [them] The first [I see] in the [shade] mossy side of a [mossy] rock I was going to [pan] the [bay] on the other side when I suddenly turned as if I [herd] the [ring] of the bells or caught the gleam of the gold on [open] [place] at the foot with back [Mum] bushes on one side. The [nod] look [straight] down [like] [ ] as if [loved] the [grand] short glossy stalk some two on a stalk or three or 4
Two lvs [leaves] down on the [ground] one under beautiful ovals bright as [glasses]. The shadows [above] fall on them. & the light bright as it falls on a stream. [6 stamins] [a dangle] powdered, polliny. [Winter] the life withdraws to the [rock] The little [waxen] [bulb] [waiting] sleeping & the snow six rayed [flrs] fall thick upon there lilies on lilies & when [these] turn [ ] to die wh the [ ] winds blow the [ ] & lilies are ready to rise at the first [ ] touch of the sun looking from the lake now you see a bare mtn side barren [not]
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 8.5 x 14 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist