August-November 1875, Sequoia Studies from Yosemite, South End of Belt at White River Image 45
some a plain thud others a [resounding] [thump] or [decreased] a [fused] [explosion] like a blast. this is all covered by the little lightening sq [squirrel] dropping burs it is his harvest time & you [may] [watch] him gliding noiselessly from bough to [bough] & cutting [off] the burs as if by a single snip - down they fall on logs [ ] [ ] [into] barks or [gran], some of the [tree] [In] [ ] [falling] on [dead] hollow logs make the loudest report & [the] [ ] denizens of the wilds are disturbed for the [grand] [ ] [ ] [ ] & are natural as the sighing of the wind [ ] [ ] [ ] [existence] of the woods not excepting the [buzzing] [bees] [their] [ ] [sound] the great trees & [tops] of [his] [own] [color] this is the forest & does [most] of the [pleasing] Nature [seems] [to] [use] scarce any [of] [the] [tools] for some [trees] [ ] in logs or under [them] [The] [tops] where the so called [ ] winter storms, [came] [here] is provided You may see them hurry in [some] making no fuss about it the [ ] the snow [12] ft [deep] is
feathery soft here & even when the young trees are bent to the ground or top broken it is no other wild [ness] or [trembling] than is seen in [orchard] in snow when a bough breaks with over [ ] of apples
How [genial] nature appears touches of Ind [Indian] [summer] the first touches of [ ] [in] [brush]
Ho weary man & woman toiler in city & [plains] Come to the woods For here is the rest you are dying for . This is [but] [ ] [ ] be as you all sing but [ ] when [ ] find it [church] [ ] point skyward like the [spires] & the [ ] [ ] [ ] up but of all the upness accessible to [mortals] [there] [is] no upness comparable to that of mountains. All should come We hear of compulsory [education] a kind of check for the very [views] they create [civilization] [ ] civilization makes breeds trouble these kinds [ ] [ ] [theaters] churches etc to correct [them] May not our lawgivers add compulsory recreation No refinement & education like that you [ ] value
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 20 x 15 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist